Crocodile Dundee (I – II) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2023 by HollywoodNuts

Crocodile Dundee (I – II) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2023 by HollywoodNuts

In the United States, Crocodile Dundee is referred to as “Crocodile” Dundee. It is an action comedy movie from 1986 with scenes in New York City and the Australian Outback. It features American actress Linda Kozlowski as reporter Sue Charlton and British actor Paul Hogan as the seasoned Mick Dundee.[6] The movie, which was filmed on a budget of less than $10 million and was based on the real-life adventures of Rod Ansell, was intended to be a commercial Australian picture that would appeal to an American audience in general but ended up becoming a global hit.

It was the highest-grossing movie ever in Australia, the highest-grossing Australian movie globally, the second-highest movie in the United States in 1986, the highest-grossing non-US movie at the US box office ever, and the second-highest movie worldwide for the year. It was released on April 30, 1986, in Australia, and September 26, 1986, in the United States. There are two versions of the movie: an Australian version and an international version. The international version was a little bit shorter and omitted a lot of the Australian slang. Two sequels, Crocodile Dundee II (1988) and Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001), were made after the initial Crocodile Dundee movie, however neither one was as well received by critics as the original.

Sue sets out on her own the following morning to disprove Mick’s claim that she can’t survive the Outback by herself because she’s a “sheila,” but she brings his gun along at his request. Sue was insulted by Mick’s claim that Sue can’t survive the Outback by herself because she’s a “sheila” Mick follows her to check on her, but when she pauses at a billabong to get some water, a big crocodile attacks her and Mick must save her. Sue is so overwhelmed with thanks that she starts to like him.

Under the guise of continuing the feature article, Sue extends an invitation to Mick to accompany her back to New York City. Wally initially dismisses her offer, but after hearing that the newspaper will cover all costs, he reconsiders. After arriving in New York, Mick is confused by the city’s behavior and norms but manages to get out of tricky circumstances like two run-ins with a pimp and two failed robberies. Sue then acknowledges her actual love for him, leading to their kiss.

Sue first accepts Richard’s marriage proposal at a dinner party held at her father’s house to celebrate Sue’s safe return and Mick’s visit, despite the fact that Richard had recently shown his egotistical and callous “true colors” while intoxicated.

Mick, discouraged by Sue’s engagement, makes the decision to go “walkabout” across the country, but Sue changes her mind and decides not to wed Richard. She then follows Mick to a subway station. She tries to communicate with him there but is unable to do so due to the throng on the platform. Instead, she uses members of the crowd to relay her message to him. As a result, he climbs up to the rafters and approaches Sue while walking on the heads and raised hands of the onlookers, much to the delight of the crowd, who then applaud him.

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