A dog with a long cable around its neck and a giant tumor that was аbаndoned by its owner was later rescued by HollywoodNuts

A dog with a long cable around its neck and a giant tumor that was аbаndoned by its owner was later rescued by HollywoodNuts

Pawtcake received a sad message on WhatsApp last week. When someone saw a dog pulling a long cable by his neck, they got a closer look and saw that the dog had a huge tumor. The dog appeared to have recently been ааdoed because he was саed and kept skulking behind a partition.

The Pawtcake crew was aware that they had to move quickly. They were able to capture the dog in a trap after luring him outside with some food. Once they had the dog under their care, they learned that he had been abandoned in a deserted construction site with no means of protection or sustenance. They were aware that they had to move quickly to save his life because he was malnourished.

They took him to the vet, who confirmed that the tumor weighed at least 12 pounds, if not more, after feeding him to settle him down. Despite being disheartened by the news, the team persisted. They put in a lot of effort to get the dog ready for Easter and ensure his comfort.

The team named the dog Tumor, Bye bye! a day before his exit! Although they were aware that the end would come, they remained upbeat about his future. Tumor recovered quickly after the successful procedure.

The Pawtcake team was ecstatic to witness Tumor’s change. He had a fresh lease on life and was a content, healthy dog. Seeing the results of their labor was tremendously satisfying since they felt they had truly made a difference. Once, someone reminded them how rewarding it is to save those helpless lives.

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