Elon Musk criticises “Hulk” star Mark Ruffalo, saying, “Not everything AOC says is true.”

Elon Musk criticises “Hulk” star Mark Ruffalo, saying, “Not everything AOC says is true.”

After the tech mogul’s on-air altercation with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted that Elon Musk is “destroying [his] credibility.” This prompted the new Twitter user to respond to the “Hlk” star.

The actress, 54, appeared to be in agreement with Ocasio-Cortez on Saturday. Ocasio-Cortez has been outspoken about her opposition to MSK’s proposed $8 monthly cost to be verified and charging for additional special features.

Ocasio-Cortez commented on Wednesday, “Lmao at a billionaire early trying to sell people on the concept that ‘free speech’ is actually a $8/mo subscription place.”

“Your input is great, now pay $8,” Musk retorted.

The New York Democrat then admitted that Musk had blocked her after she stated something he didn’t agree with, saying: “What’s good? Doesn’t seem to be very free speech-friendly.

alexaпdria ocasio cortez

Alexaпdria Ocasio-Cortez accυsed Mυsk of sileпciпg her Twitter meпtioпs after she disagreed with him.
Getty Images

Mark Rυffalo

Actor Mark Rυffalo chimed iп oп the debate, telliпg Eloп Mυsk he was rυiпiпg his credibility.

Ocasio-Cortez was retweeted by actor and activist Riffalo, who wrote: “Elo. Get off Twitter, hand the keys to someone who does this as their actual profession, and start working with reliable Tesla and SpaceX, for the love of decency.

You’re undermining your credibility. Just a good look,” the actor said, sipping.

Musk replied to Raffalo on Saturday with the following statement: “Hot take: ot everything AOC says is accurate.”

“Maybe so,” the “Hulk” actor said.

Eloп MUsk

Musk’s latest feυd with AOC took place days before he laid off half of Twitter’s staff.

Because of this, having reliable filters for inaccurate and verified users has become a common feature for both users and advertising. We require those safeguards to ensure that the information is accurate; otherwise, both the app and you lose credibility. And people go,” the actor continued.

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