Roman Reigns: I’m not a 15 year old little girl, I don’t watch Logan Paul! Shocking Statement By Roman!

Roman Reigns: I’m not a 15 year old little girl, I don’t watch Logan Paul! Shocking Statement By Roman!

Roman Reigns talked about his match against Logan Paul in conversation with the SecondsOut YouTube channel. Reigns admitted he didn’t know who Logan Paul was. “When I was sitting on the same stage and I hear some of that dumb shit spewed out, of course it’s going to anger me and things are going to pop up.

But at the same time, before he came here, no disrespect, I didn’t know who he was. I’m not a 15 year old little girl, I don’t watch Logan Paul or any of the Paul/YouTube Vlog people, that’s not what I do.

So I don’t have any problems with him not watching me because he was busy doing what he does and that’s videotaping himself doing God knows what. So go videotape yourself doing God knows what and leave the true professionalism, the sports entertainment, the professional wrestling, to people like me.

There’s nobody like me”. – he said, as quoted by

Logan Paul vs Roman Reigns

Logan Paul admitted he would like to fight against Reigns. “There’s nobody else. on that level right now bro. There’s just not.

I can feel the dog coming out of me. Like when I watch him on TV and in the ring, I just want to fu**ing wrestle the guy. That’s what I do. That’s what I do, dog. I did it with Floyd Mayweather. My second opponent was Floyd fu**ing Mayweather.

Did you see what I did at SummerSlam? When was the last time you saw something like that done? Top rope, on to the table, on my second match ever. It’s what I do. I love competing at the highest level as soon as I get into the thing.

You’re not going to like this. You put me against Roman Reigns right now. I think I would win”. Me versus Roman Reigns, one on one, that’s my match”.

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