What Women Should Be Allowed to Do Without Being Judged, and Now People Are Sharing Their Opinions by HollywoodNuts

What Women Should Be Allowed to Do Without Being Judged, and Now People Are Sharing Their Opinions by HollywoodNuts

Women should do this, or women shouldn’t do that, are frequent refrains. As a result, a male turned to the Internet and posed the question: What should women be able to do without being condemned by society? Today, we have the solutions.

Somebody Asked What Women Should Be Allowed to Do Without Being Judged, and Now People Are Sharing Their Opinions

People are now sharing their thoughts on what women should be able to do without being judged after someone asked the question.

Take days off when your period is coming. Reddit and UwUnity
disregarding appearances. Reddit and Draculamb
or maturing as a typical human would! Reddit and mixedmediamadness
deciding whether or not to have children. Reddit user evi1995

People are now sharing their thoughts on what women should be able to do without being judged after someone asked the question.

Somebody Asked What Women Should Be Allowed to Do Without Being Judged, and Now People Are Sharing Their Opinions

I once dated a girl who farted once in my presence before breaking down in tears because “it’s so gross.” Reddit user snackfood109
butkusny, age. / Reddit

My wife is nine years my senior. We’ve been dating for ten years. I think her gray hair, which is starting to appear, is lovely. She is a wonderful lady. Reddit and EliteEight


Be at ease in your outfit. I’m a guy, so when it comes to fashion, I like to focus on comfort, therefore I usually wear a plain T-shirt, a pair of jeans or track trousers, and a pair of sneakers. You can very much wear that anywhere and look respectable, but as I have learned through significant others, family, and friends, being comfortable and stylish as a woman is a little more challenging.

In addition, formal shoes for men are much more comfy than heels or pumps. People, this is the world we inhabit. The PsyFi_ZA/Reddit

avoiding makeup. Reddit / TheFightens
How 14 Disney Princesses Would Appear if They Were the Film’s Villains
The appearance of 14 Disney Princesses as villains in a film
For a pad or tampon, ask. Reddit and UwUnity
lacking hair. Bri Bardot’s Reddit page
Any time of day or night is a good time to go outside. Being unassailable and dressing however they choose. Reddit user the_jupiterka

She should unquestionably be “allowed” to wear clothing with suitable-sized pockets! Reddit user LUFCSteve
being alone. particularly old and single. Reddit user Sassy_Praline

Somebody Asked What Women Should Be Allowed to Do Without Being Judged, and Now People Are Sharing Their Opinions

Getting upset over easily comprehensible issues without being accused of being bossy, having our periods, being difficult or crazy, or being gaslighted. Reddit user DatWasAJoke
People are now sharing their thoughts on what women should be able to do without being judged after someone asked the question.

Source: Michael Buckner/Getty Images Featured Image from Getty Images
In public, bra adjustments. Reddit user ToCoolforAUsername
Feed your baby in public. Reddit user chyrysler300
not shaving one’s body. Why are women need to shave or wax in order to seem “presentable” whereas males can have hairy arms and legs? Reddit user the_philosophic_123

What more could women do to avoid criticism that we might have overlooked? Post your ideas in the comments section!

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